Tuesday, 10 January 2012


Renewable energy is energy that can be re-used or is never ending… this energy is made from natural resources, some of these resources are things that we don’t take for granted, things like wind, water, solar and geo-thermal.
Wind can be used to power windmills, which generates electricity.

water energy also known as hydroelectric, is made by water running down a big dam, the water and its fast current then hits the turbine, the turbine spins and transfers energy up to a big power house to be distributed to houses.

Solar energy comes from the sun, the solar rays hit solar panels and it create electricity, these solar panels can be found on houses or in big solar panel fields.

Geo-thermal energy comes from heat, which comes from the earths core. The heat is then transfer up big pipes under the ground and through to stations, which then turn it into steam. Altogether renewable energy is a good thing and is helping the planet a lot.

But there are a few bad things about renewable energy; one of these things is that the wind turbines create noise pollution, which could get annoying for the people who live in the countryside, they also fill up a lot of space, which could be used to create houses, but that problem as kind of been fixed and resolved by now putting then in the middle of the ocean. Another bad thing is that to create hydroelectricity you need to make a dam, this means flooding a valley, which could destroy habitat and wildlife.
If re-newable energy didn't exist then the first thing to be effected would be the fossil fuels, because people would be more dependant on them, and we would run out of them a lot more quickly.

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